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 2013  -   MORE THAN ENOUGH?

    "MORE THAN ENOUGH?" was the theme for One World Week 2013.

The week brought people together at many local events happening at around the same time, accross the country and beyond, to share ideas about global issues.  OWW asked people to support or organise events, together with others in their local area, that enabled them to consider whether they:

 - had had more than enough of consumer culture getting in the way of relationships with others in communities across the globe?

 - had had more than enough of being defined by what they possessed?

 - had had more than enough of seeing the planet irrevocably consumed?

 - had taken more than enough themselves?

logo for IF campign

   In 2013, OWW, alongside many of its partners, signed up to the "Enough Food for Everyone IF ..." campaign. One focus had been the G8 Summit of World Leaders in Belfast in June.  It was suggested that OWW events might follow up by working with other campaigners from the other organisations involved to see what response might be required.

Some OWW supporters did not feel the campaign had gone far enough (more here) - and used their OWW event to try to explain why.  Others chose to look beyond food security to food sovereignty or to waste or energy consumption or the issue of ecocide. One explored the fashion industry using the disastrous working conditions in the factory collapse in Bangladesh as a starting point.

As OWW is in the European Global Education Network, each OWW event was part of an even bigger movement of people keen to build relationships in 2014 by:

- exploring the unequal consumption in our world;

- exploring what "BEING more" rather than "HAVING more" might involve;

- asking what we, as responsible citizens, could do to bring about change.


"Aspire not to HAVE more but to BE more"

"Archbishop Romero, assassinated in 1982 for speaking up for the voiceless poor.


« December 2016 »