OXFORD-New Marston: OWW Hope in Action

Date: 24 October 2015 10:00 to 14:00

One World Week - HOPE IN ACTION


This will be an interfaith occasion for celebrating diversity and

sharing concerns for our future with the theme ‘Hope in Action’


Date and Time:          Saturday 24th October 2015

10.00 am to 2.00 pm.

Venue:                                St Michael's Church

Marston Road

New Marston

Oxford, OX3 0JA


There will be six separate areas in the church, each being a study area for a topic.

The topics will include:

    pro-poor governments (South America’s experience)

    anti-austerity movements and world trade

    war and nonviolence

    food justice

    migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

    the culture, insights and resources of world faiths including

      Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and maybe others


Each study area will have one or more of the following: 

information sheets, pictures, artefacts, slide show, a talk, discussions, etc


People who attend are invited to spend as much time as they wish in any or all of the topic areas they choose.

There will be short periods when we gather together

to share what we’ve learned from the stalls, celebrate our unity

and plan action to express our hopes for the future.


For further information:

Contact:           David Paterson

Email:              davidpaterson130@gmail.com

Telephone:     07557 522 914