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18 - 25 October 2015

Now the action begins - let's build a more equal and peaceful world

OWW Newsletter October 2015

ALL the planning turns to action this weekend as One World Week launches with the theme HOPE IN ACTION which is a wonderful opportunity to focus on the actions of individuals and projects bringing hope to communities around the world.

It’s not too late to get involved and there are some great resources on our website you can use so check them out and give them a try! In this letter we highlight the following:

  • Pledges of Hope to Inspire Action is a great way to commit yourself to one or more actions which can create a culture of hope and confidence to build a more equal and peaceful world.

  • Quotations for Hope in Action is a collection of quotations from various sources which can be used in different ways.

  • HOPE IN ACTION worship anthology produced by Wendy Young of Christian Aid is a great resource for churches with material which can be used in other contexts as well. You can download and print a PDF version of the 20 page anthology here. Worship resources about justice from Traidcraft would also be applicable to the OWW theme as they address issues of equality. More here.

  • Children’s Hope in Action resources from Christian Aid include one for ‘Children in Church’ here and one on assemblies for Primary and Secondary Schools here

  • Attend one of the many events up and down the UK: check out where and when on the calendar.

Pledges of Hope to Inspire Action to build a more equal and peaceful world is an exciting resource to stimulate discussion and commitment which can be used at events anywhere from round the dinner table with the family to a school classroom or in a place of worship. Please have a look at this resource on our website here and see how many pledges you can commit to.

Quotations about Hope in Action to build a more equal and peaceful world is a collection of quotations to use at events. The quotations have been drawn from many different faiths and can help people see that we have a lot in common and the church worship resources can be used during the next two weekends or on another occasion. Find and download them here.

There is a lot to be found on our website:

The events need you!

The events have been planned but now they need your support so please have a look at the calendar on our website and see if there is something in your area that you could attend. There are a variety of events including films, talks, a concert of Songs of Hope for Africa in Birmingham, a One World Fair at Barrow-in-Furness, a multi-cultural fair in Aberystwyth and numerous smaller events or activities.

Please Submit your event on the calendar, here if you haven’t already done so and people can check to see what is happening in their area.

We often have to present to potential funders the range of people who come to events – and even what they gleaned from it – so, if possible, please try to keep track of this. Print off our participants’ feedback sheet here to complete at the event and note other evaluation forms to help us.

The week never ends!

If you haven’t planned an event for the Week please consider using the theme and resources at another time of the year. Your action can inspire hope at any time of the year so don’t give up because you don’t think there is time. Starting late is better than never because we can remind ourselves of the amazing action by individuals and groups that continue to bring hope to communities at all times of the year. So keep telling us your plans, sharing your ideas and inspiring us with what you are doing! Don’t stop when the week ends!

Help us make it happen

We have a fantastic group of national volunteers and without them One World Week would not happen, but we need more (see possibilities here). The work continues through the year and if you would like to help please let me know so we can find a job for your particular gifts. For example, we shall need help with collating evaluation forms in a month or two.

Although people make it happen, money is vital as well and if you haven’t considered contributing to our work please give it a thought. Maybe you could make a donation from the proceeds of your event so we can maintain our work into the future.

Hope in a letter!

Your action can start a conversation of hope with the writing of a letter to a newspaper or magazine or Member of Parliament about something that concerns you or by something that has impressed you. If you haven’t done anything for One World Week, write a letter about the actions of an individual or project that have inspired you or encourage people to act together to bring hope to a community. You could send us your letter or story so we can share it on our website and Facebook page. So please send short stories, letters, pictures, comments and videos to or

Thank you

The One World Week family of supporters, volunteers and Trustees thank you for all the work in preparing for ‘The Week’ and may all your hopes be fulfilled. We must maintain the theme of Hope in Action in the months to come and will also start thinking about October 2016! To do that a few reminders:

  • If you can spare some time for this organisation committed to raising awareness and education so that people can work together to build a just, peaceful and sustainable world please have a look at our volunteer vacancies on the website.

  • If you can donate a portion from the proceeds of your event or as an individual then please go to the ‘Donate’ section of the OWW website for how to do this online or by post.

  • We welcome your thoughts on what our focus should be for OWW 2016 so let us know

  • If you want to know more about One World Week then please visit the website:

We look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the pictures from a week that will celebrate hope in action!

Thank you.

Richard Becher, National Coordinator,
Trustees and Volunteers

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