
Quotations can be used:

• To stimulate thinking - you could select individual quotations, enlarge them and print them off – then put them in eye-catching positions around your event:

o on tables if you are having a meal;
o on seats for a presentation;
o on the wall, if people are circulating;
o include them in displays;
o include appropriate ones in an interfaith event or worship;
o give one to everyone as they come into the event. (Follow up by inviting them to sign up to a pledge later in the event or as they leave – see Pledges)
o Make the concise ones into bookmarks, laminate them, let people choose in return for a donation.

• As part of your publicity – choose pithy arresting ones to catch the interest!

• As part of a discussion activity - give one to everyone or, if people are sitting round a table, let people choose one they like. Invite them to share it with the others and initiate a discussion about what gives them hope for a more equal and peaceful world. You could use this together with the Pledges.

• As part of an interfaith event – invite people of various faiths to share their faiths’ teaching about theme and bring quotations. You can offer these as a starting point or to add to the faiths represented at your event.

• Your ideas – we would love you to share your ideas about how to use quotations with other OWW organisers. Contact us and we’ll put them on the website.

Sources of Quotations:
We found the following quotations from various sources, as indicated, - from websites, publications and reports. You will probably know lots more.

Please tell us about your favourites – with sources if possible and we’ll include some of them on the website or use them to update this list.

Quotations relating to building an inclusive society - download as a word.doc here or as a pdf here

They include a general section, a specialise faith section which includes quotes from several faiths; and a section of quotes from children's fiction

Collections of quotations relating to previous themes may be useful for your event; you can download them here:

Quotations about Sharing destiny (word doc)

Quotations about Hope in Action (word doc)

Quotations about More than Enough (word.doc)

Quotations about Living for One World (word doc)

Quotations about Peace  (PPT -40MB )