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OWW Newsletter – September 2019

Do we know about your OWW event yet? – & help if you are still planning it! 

OWW newsletter header title - Climate Changes Everything - Now is the time to act


We have received our first submissions of events for One World Week but nearly all are from the Portsmouth area!! We are aware there’s so much more going on, but unless you tell us, how can anyone else know about them?

Help us to show what OWW is really doing by getting someone to email ALL events you know about, no matter how small, via this link to a brief form through to the website: It’s very easy and only takes a few minutes.

Seeing our events encourages a sense of solidarity and inspiration across the whole OWW community.


Whether you’re in the midst of organising your event or haven’t started yet, there are lots of new resources to help.

You can find all these on the OWW website:

  • OWW Guidelines - Now is the time to act
  • Theme ideas chart
  • A Creation Reflection with Commitment Pledges (PowerPoint and PDF) – based on the first chapter of Genesis, this could be adapted for all Abrahamic faiths. Also, the final Commitment Pledges can be used in any event, whether faith-based or not.
  • Prayer for One World Week
  • Christian Worship Service Ideas for 20th or 27th October (Word doc)
  • Islamic Climate Change Resources
  • A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change
  • OWW Film Guide, 2019 Edition.
  • Introduction to OWW 2019- using Portsmouth egs.
  • Green Websites
  • Green Websites for Faith Groups
  • Planet Doctor 2019 – a 6 - 8-minute drama

The newest items appear first but the rest are in the “library” (scroll through).

If you are looking for something specific, or maybe from a previous year, type key words or the title into the search box (top right of the page) and you’ll be given a list of possible matches.


the time is now leafletMaking your own publicity? You can use the images, headings etc. from the leaflet. THE LEAFLET is also available to download and print here in various formats.

We do have a small printed supply for distribution at events and in mailings. Please get in touch as soon as possible if you would like some.

Don’t forget to credit our designer, Webber Design (


Don’t forget to “like” our Facebook page which, along with our website, is constantly being updated with news items about One World Week and relevant organisations.

Individual donations for our core work, including those arising from events, as well as Standing Orders, which are most welcome, should be sent via the Donate page on our website, wherever possible. We can also reclaim Gift Aid online. However, as a last resort, we do have a volunteer caretaker address to receive cheques: The Treasurer, 15 Bryngwyn Road, Newport NP20 4JS.


We still need both. Please think about whether you, or someone you know, could join our small friendly Board of Trustees. To find out more about what is involved, please look at our Trustee Recruitment Pack (or type: ‘Trustee’ into the website search facility).

We shall be needing volunteers to evaluate this year’s OWW activities after October. If you could spare a few hours to contact people by phone or collate or analyse feedback, please contact us. And we always need more help with social media!


With our good wishes for your 2019 events,
from the OWW team,

Alison, Aneta, Ingrid, Jonaid, Sarah and Sue

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One World Week, e: w:
Registered Charity No: 1107762, Registered Company in England & Wales No: 4665250.